01.02.2022р. 11-А клас ( урок у синхронній формі)
11-А клас англійська мова Вівторок, 1 лютого · 1:25 – 2:10пп Інформація для приєднання до зустрічі Google Meet Посилання на відеодзвінок: https://meet.google.com/zcr-cfrg-suh Hello everyone! Today we are going to revise your vocabulary, improve your grammar skills and your reading and speaking competence on the topic Inventions and Lifestyle. You know we have become closer through the use of the Internet. We interact via Net. We get information for work and study... But how do we know where is benefit and where is risk when it comes to security, hackers, spam, viruses? There are some safety rules in the Internet. Match the halves of the sentences to check your knowkedge Read the text " What are the Dangers of the Internet?"- Exercise 4 page 130 Answer the questions of Execise 7 page 131 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form- Exercise 1 page 137 ( письмово) Homework Exercise 3 page 136- read the instruction how to write an article, th...