31.03.2021р. 11-Б клас, урок у синхронній формі

 Матеріали та завдання до уроку в синхронному форматі, на платформі Google Meet

Початок уроку о 12:30.

Запрошення приєднатися до уроку у групі Viber

Hello, dear students!

The topic of our lesson is Emotional Maturity.

Answer the questions: 1) Do you have many problems? 2) What kinds of problems do your classmates usually have? 3)  How do they try solve them?

Open your books on page 216, exercise 3- read word combinations; make up sentences to describe a  typical Ukrainian teenager.

Let's refresh your knowledge of the word formation. Watch a video


Exercise 1 page 219- read the text and complete it with appropriate forms of the words on the left.

Do exercise 1 page 223- complete the text with the words from the box


Exercise 4 page 225-226: a) read and learn about emotional intelligence and some of Mr Goleman's suggestions to control emotions; b) match the sentences (1-5) with five aspects of emotional intelligence; c) refer the sentences below (a-d) to the suggestions (1-4) in task 4a about how to control our emotions.

 Виконане домашнє завдання надішліть мені на електронну пошту bivaoa1326@ukr.net



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