28.05.2021р. 6-В клас, дистанційне навчання

 Hello everyone!

Today you are going to pratice your reading skills- Сьогодні ви попрактикуєте свої навички читання

Read and translate the text- Прочитайте і перекладіть текст


One morning the hunter was in the forest. It was a hot day in spring. The grass was green, the sky was blue. It was very nice in the forest. Suddenly the hunter stopped. He looked to the right, to the left and then stopped down.

A farmer worked in the forest. «What do you want here, my friend?» asked the farmer. «Look at this track,» answered the hunter. «I think it is a bear’s track, isn’t it?» «Yes, it is. Come on! I know the forest better than you do. I can show you the bear». «Oh! I am not looking for the bear. I am looking only for his track. Good – bye, my friend!» answered the hunter.

Do the tasks- Виконайте завдання

1. Read and say if statements are true or false- Прочитайте речення і визначте чи вони правдиві чи неправдиві

1. One day the hunter was walking in the park.

2. It was a very fine weather.

3. He met a farmer there.

4. They went looking for a bear.

2. Find the equivalents of the words and word combinations- знайдіть відповідні еквіваленти ( переклад) слів та словосполучень 

1. a hunter was in the forest                                                  a. раптом

2. a hot day                                                                           b. спускатися

3. suddenly                                                                            c. фермер

4. to stoop down                                                                    d. роздивлятися слід

5. a farmer                                                                            e. ведмідь

6. to look at this track                                                            f. шукати

7. a bear                                                                               g. мисливець був у лісі

8. to look for                                                                          h. спекотний день 

3. Put the sentences into the correct order according to the text- Поставте речення у правильному порядку

1. The farmer wanted to show the hunter a bear.

2. A farmer worked in the forest.

3. It was very nice in the forest.

4. Suddenly the hunter stopped.

5. The hunter looked to the right, to the left.

6. The farmer asked the hunter what he looked for.

7. The hunter said he was looking for a bear’s track.

4. Correct the statements if they are wrong- Виправте помилки, де це необхідно

1. The hunter was looking for a bear.

2. The farmer did not want to help him.

3. It was a cold day.

4. The farmer showed him a bear.

5. Fill in the gaps- Заповніть пропуски

1. One morning … was in the forest.

2. The grass was …, the sky was … .

3. The hunter looked at … .

4. The farmer knew … better than a hunter.

6. Answer the questions- Дайте відповіді на запитання

1. Why did the hunter go to the forest?

2. Was the hunter brave or coward?

3. What did the farmer do in the forest?

4. What was the weather like?

Виконані завдання перевіримо в школі 


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