23.11.2021р. 11-А клас ( урок в асинхронній формі)

 Good afternoon, children! We start to learn a new topic- Eating Out.

- Today we will be talking about  Ukrainian traditional food. We’ll find out the history of some dishes and watch a video of Top 10 Most Popular Ukrainian Dishes.

1. At the begining of the lesson do the food quiz.

2. Read and answer the questions.

1      What kinds of food do you know? Give as many nouns denoting food as you can.

2      What meals do you know?

3       What dishes do you know? Give as many names of dishes as you can.

4      What is understood by a 'course'? What attributes may qualify this word?

5      What can be boiled?

6      Do we fry meat or do we roast it?

7      What is the difference between fried potatoes and chips?

8      Do we roast fish? What is the way to cook it?

9      What food is Ukraine famous for?

12  Do you enjoy Ukrainian dishes?


3.    Vocabulary practice.- Open your books on page 97 and write down new words, use a dictionary to translate them.

Fill in the gaps  with the  words from the box


fixed price     quality     abundant   customary   distinctive    garnished

inferior     interior      minced      relatively        rapidly



1)   White bread is generally in nutritional value.

2)   You should add garlic and onion to the   meat.

3)   The food was and delicious.

4)   This wine possesses a unique .

5)  The salad… with radishes, tomatoes and lettuce looked  very


6)  We were presented with the   bottle of champagne.

7) The was cozy but  unheated.

8)  The dish  was making more   than expected.

9)  This French wine has a   aroma and colour.

10) It’s  a relatively restaurant


Key:  1 inferior, 2 minced, 3 abundant, 4 quality, 5 garnished,

6     customary, 7 Interior, 8 rapidly, 9 distinctive, 10 inexpensive


4.    Reading-  Ex. 2 (p. 96-98)

Read some passages from the guidebook for foreigners in Ukraine and match the paragraphs (1-6) with the headings (A-F). There is an extra heading.


A   Restaurants in the City Centre

В   A Wide Choice of Drinks

C   Fast Food System Is at Your Service

D   Ukrainian Mineral Waters and Juices

E   Enjoy the Ukrainian Cuisine

F   How Much to Pay?


 ___ 1 Restaurant business has been developing rapidly in Kyiv. As a rule, restaurants open at 11:00 and work until midnight; actually, nowadays most of them close even later — “when the last customer is one”. In Kyiv restaurants experienced masters of cuisine will offer you a wide choice of dishes to suit any taste. If you want to have supper at a certain restaurant, instead of eating lsewhere, it is best for you to order a table in advance. The cheapest supper will cost you about $10. During lunchtime (from noon to 3 p.m.) many restaurants and cafes offer a socalled business lunch: a set menu at a fixed price. Business lunch prices vary between UAH 40 ($5) and UAH 176 ($22).

 ___ 2 Also at your service there is a network of Ukrainian Shvydko restaurants of fast food which offer a choice of dishes of traditional Ukrainian cuisine: varenyky (dumplings filled with cabbage, potatoes,  mushrooms, etc.), salads, beer and juices. You can also have a cheap and tasty dinner at a Domashnia Kuhnia (‘domestic cuisine’) quality food complex. If you want something more customary, you can go to a McDonald's, a Mister Snack sandwich bar or a pizzeria.

___  3 The city centre is particularly abundant in restaurants, cafes and bars. Each restaurant is noted for an original interior and a distinctive cuisine. We do hope that in our list of restaurants you will find the right one for you: American, Italian, German, French, Japanese, etc.

___ 4 Ukrainian food restaurants are presented in a separate section at the top of the list. Ukrainian cuisine is rich in traditions. At restaurants specialising in Ukrainian food you will have a chance to taste the famous Ukrainian Borshch — a savory red-coloured soup whose ingredients are minced beet, carrots, potatoes and other vegetables. Borshch is always garnished with sour cream. As a rule, borshch is eaten with pampushky, small rolls rubbed with garlic. Kulish is a dish of millet1 cooked in meat soup; lard, onion and garlic are added to the dish before it can be served. Pechenia is stewed pork and potatoes (to which mushrooms or vegetables can be added). This dish is served in a clay pot. Carp in Sour Cream is fried riverine fish (carp) with sour cream sauce. Also very tasty is Chicken Kyiv, chicken rissoles fried in dough rolled in breadcrumbs. Of the many hors d'oeuvres1 a good choice is cold pork, usually served with side dishes of vegetables. Coming to the sweets we would recommend Cherry varenyky, an old Ukrainian dish. They are delicious, especially when served with cream.

___ 5 In addition to dishes, you can order Ukrainian-made drink. Excellent wines (red as well as white; dry as well as stronger) are manufactured by such companies as Zolota Amphora (Dnipropetrovsk), Koktebel and Maharach. Ukrainian beer — Obolon, Slavutych, Chernihivske, Lvivske is also just as good as the European brands. We also recommend you to taste Ukrainian-made juices such as Halychyna, Sandora or Smak. Not inferior to Fanta or Sprite are Ukrainian nonalcoholic drinks Rosynka-Ginseng, Zhyvchyk-Apple or Zhyvchyk-Lemon. Good at refreshing and quenching thirst are mineral waters Obolon, Sofia Kyivska and BonAqua, etc.

Key: 1 F, 2 C, 3 A, 4 E, 5 B.

 5. Ex.3 p. 98- Read the text again and say if the statements below are true or false.

1 Most of the restaurants work 24 hours a day in Kyiv._______

2 Business lunch is a set menu at a fixed price._______

3 Domashnia Kuhnia is a very expensive restaurant._______

4 Ukrainian food restaurants are located in the city centre._______

5 Pechenia is served in a clay pot._______

6 Ukrainian beer is not worse than other European brands.______

7      Fanta and Sprite are Ukrainian-made juices._______


6.Watch a video about Top 10 Most Popular Ukrainian Dishes ( перейдіть за посиланням або перегляньте відео на блозі)


Write down your ideas about what dishes will be on the list. 

7. Ex.5 p. 99- Match the dishes with the appropriate ingredients.

1 Hungarian goulash is made with                      a a mayonnaise dressing

2 Ratatouille is made with                                   b beef and vegetables

3 Ratafia is made from                                        c almonds

4 Pasta is made from                                           d tomatoes and lettuce

5 A seafood cocktail is served with                    e flour, eggs and water

6 Hamburgers are often served with                    f red peppers, aubergines and


8.    Home assignment  

Make a recipe of a traditional Ukrainian meal

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контролі -13.05, 14.05, 16.05, 2024р. для учнів 5 -Б класу

08.01.2024р.- 5-Б клас ( Футорська В., Радюк С., Самойлюк В.)