Шановні учні!!! 13.05 - контроль читання 14.05- контроль письма 16.05- контроль аудіювання Виконані завдання надішліть на мою електронну адресу bivaoa1326@ukr.net або на мій номер у вайбер НЕ ПІЗНІШЕ П'ЯТНИЦІ 17 ТРАВНЯ 13.05. КОНТРОЛЬ ЧИТАННЯ READING TEST Read Ann`s story about her last weekend. I live in a nice house in the village. I don`t often go to big cities but last weekend I was in Glasgow. My cousin Kate invited me to visit her. I didn`t go by car because it`s expensive, I travelled by bus. Kate lives in the city centre. Her flat is big and comfortable. Kate is a photographer. She likes taking pictures of nature and animals with her professional digital camera. You can see beautiful photos of forests, rivers, trees and flowers on the walls in her room. On Saturday morning we walked in the park. Then it started to rain and we watched an interesting movie at the cinema in the afternoon. We were hungry after that and ordered pasta with salad in a small café nea
Перегляньте відеоурок та виконайте завдання за вчителем Виконайте вправи в робочому зошиті на с.40 Щоб виконати завдання 4,5,6, прослухайте запис 11 натисніть на запис 11 Виконані завдання надішліть на мою електронну адресу bivaoa1326@ukr.net
Good afternoon, children! We start to learn a new topic- Eating Out. - Today we will be talking about Ukrainian traditional food. We’ll find out the history of some dishes and watch a video of Top 10 Most Popular Ukrainian Dishes. 1. At the begining of the lesson do the food quiz. 2. Read and answer the questions. 1 What kinds of food do you know? Give as many nouns denoting food as you can. 2 What meals do you know? 3 What dishes do you know? Give as many names of dishes as you can. 4 What is understood by a 'course'? What attributes may qualify this word? 5 What can be boiled? 6 Do we fry meat or do we roast it? 7 What is the difference between fried potatoes and chips? 8 Do we roast fish? What is the way to cook it? 9 What food is Ukraine famous for? 12 Do you enjoy Ukrainian dishes? 3. Vocabulary practice.- Open your books on page 97 and write down new words, use a dictionary to tran
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